Thursday, September 29, 2011

Melissa & Joel

Hey Everybody!! 

So I am pretty sure I'm all up to date here on the most recent photo shoots that I have done. This couple is Melissa & Joel they are adorable!

They are getting married on October 1st, and I have the honour of shooting their wedding. 
Check back for their Wedding Photos :) 

I hope you enjoy them! 

- Erin Caitlin

Nathan & Jessica

Hey Everybody!! 
Here is a shoot I did of my two friends Nathan & Jessica! They have been together for almost 6 years, they are young but they are in love and yeah I hope you enjoy these! 

- Erin Caitlin

Luymes Family

Hey Everybody!!

It's been a lonnng time since I posted anything on this blog. Well I am back! I hope you all like the new layout. I will be posting more I promise. I apologize for not more, it's been a tough year for me. 

This is a shoot I did in the middle of the summer back in May sometime. This is the Luymes Family, they are a beautiful family, and here are a few pictures I took of them. 

I hope you like them! 

- Erin Caitlin